She wanted initially to take up Civil Engineering, but as fate would have it, she ended up graduating with the degree, Bachelor of Science in Information Technology, magna cum laude, at Foundation University in 2022. No regrets, according to Cherry Bless Belotindos, as “I could be a software engineer."
Having an innate desire to reach out and help people is what Belotindos confesses to have been influenced by her training at Foundation Preparatory Academy (FPA) where she likewise graduated with high honors as a member of the pioneering batch of Senior High School graduates.
“As a member of the Philippine Red Cross Youth, I attended seminar-workshops and trainings which helped build my confidence, character, and self-esteem,” she opined. Through these, she then manifested the “heart of helping people,” which is embedded into her as the person she really wants to be. The Leadership Formation Course and the Basic Leadership Training, as well as the Youth Volunteer Orientation Course of the Philippine Red Cross Youth, ignited in her the spirit of service to humankind.
On hindsight, however, she must have been on the right track as she was in the Technical Vocational Information Communication Technology (ICT) Animation in the two productive years she spent at the FPA. She was conferred the Excellence Award in ICT in 2018 upon completing the requirements for Senior High School.
Like other students who focus on their goals early on, Belotindos is also a consistent achiever, graduating salutatorian at Nagbalaye Elementary School in Nagbalaye, Santa Catalina and valedictorian at Santa Catalina Science High School in Cawitan, Santa Catalina.
She credits her training at the FPA that afforded her a solid foundation in the degree program that she now pursues as her career. “In college, we did geo-mapping of companies that needed technological advancement, like 3D printing at the top level, for example. One needs to stand out from the crowd as there are many ideas and new opportunities that come our way,” articulated Belotindos, choosing her words well that explains how passionate she has become in her career path.
“In our field, it is essential that you get certifications and trainings as these will help you get updated with new applications,” she explained.
As a web developer and a multimedia virtual assistant, Belotindos has expanded her reach into entrepreneurship as she has ventured into real estate, maintaining web sites, and marketing a barangay management system to the barangay officials in her hometown in Santa Catalina, Negros Oriental.
“The best choice is to learn, to explore, to expand your skills. You can be exposed to various platforms, do networking, explore the Internet of Things (IOT) as there is a high demand in the market for vocational skills,” expounded Belotindos, who said we are now transitioning into the digital technology era.
In life, you may find yourself being waylaid in the plans you originally set forth. Like Belotindos, her reluctance proved to be the best decision as she enjoys the best of both worlds in her chosen career path today. (Cecile M. Genove)