Architecture Program Head:
Charlotte Lao Schmidt
Fine Arts Program Head:
Sandra Palomar-Quan
Phone: +63-915-566-9677
The field of architecture means manipulating material into something far more. Learning how to design and build structures takes mental stamina, a sharp eye, and innovative style in this day and age. The Department of Architecture emphasizes a green approach, one that is both sustainable and environmentally friendly, when it comes to creating worthwhile infrastructure. At FU, we adhere to teaching a code of of ethical conduct that establishes mutual trust and confidence with industrial clientele as well as cultivate high commitment habits due to the intense demands of construction. Students learn how to make every output a masterpiece, avoid mediocrity, and excel in everything that they design.
Students in the Department of Architecture have the opportunity to participate in several annual activities to enhance their teamwork skills, including design competitions judged by industry professionals. FU graduates go on to begin careers in construction firms, architecture firms, or even found their own private practice.
Every architecture student becomes a part of Estudio Damgo, a community project in which students assess a crucial need that must be addressed. Then they design a solution and bring it to fruition. In the past, students have built a daycare classroom, animal shelter, Tourist Information and Assistance Center at the Dumaguete City Port Area, and much more. The beauty behind Estudio Damgo is twofold: students gain valuable experience while helping their community in the process.
What soft skills are beneficial for an architect to have?
-Architects can expect to advance their skills in creativity, time management, teamwork, and critical thinking capabilities with a meticulous eye. In order to construct anything well, architects develop a vast pool of knowledge to pull from when designing for a client. Imagination and innovation are key.
How can I gain the experience I need to become an architect?
-FU offers numerous courses to get you industry ready with thoroughly experienced professors. We also have several partnerships in place to provide you with an internship that best suits your needs. The final project done through Estudio Damgo is the best preparation you can undergo for becoming the architect you're destined to be.
What can I do with a Fine Arts degree from FU?
-The possibilities for becoming an artist are infinite, especially in this day and age of technology and social media. We have had several FU graduates go on to paint murals around Negros Oriental, exhibit their artwork around the country, and successfully compete in art competitions. With an art degree, you can work within a company as a designer, whether it's advertising or branding, or you can become a freelancer, such as a photographer who sells their photos to journalists. You can even become a manager at an arts museum. A degree in Fine Arts gives you freedom and flexibility.
Is the area of Fine Arts easier than other majors?
-The Fine Arts require discipline and devotion like any other area of study. You can expect to put a lot of time into composing your own work while trying out new styles and mediums. Some pieces take a few minutes to complete and some take years. It is a fluid subject that depends on the artist. Rest assured that FU, we help you strengthen your dedication while advancing your skills and awareness. ​