The College of Arts and Sciences at FU offers five exceptional fields to choose from. In this day and age, creativity is considered one of the most valuable skills a prospective employee can possess. Being able to tackle problems from multiple angles and provide innovative solutions with a fresh outlook is what we emphasize throughout your educational journey.
Biology continues to be a thriving field that offers countless opportunities in many different ways. We study the processes that foster life as well as the patterns that form over time. Then we can predict how things further evolve. FU offers a gamut of classes, including evolutionary biology, general zoology, and human anatomy and physiology to immerse you in the cells that make us up. Studying the field of biology provides a beautiful perspective of the world around us, deepening your understanding of what breathes, what's bacterial, and what needs our help with balance. Whether you're interested in going microscopic with genetics or macro with helping the world, becoming a biologist is a fruitful endeavor to embark on.
At FU, we have one of the only professional studios in Dumaguete City for broadcast communication students to take advantage of. You gain the industry experience you need to report the news while keeping it fresh and exciting. FU has the only studio students can practice in, especially by getting involved with our iGreyound Studio to create more engaging episodes! Learn how to manage cameras, lights, and actions like you've never before! Our students also master the importance of collecting crucial elements for honest and thorough journalism. It is more important than ever to report what's true to the community, shedding light on what is fake and harmful. If you've always been captivated by media and what it can offer, then jump right into our broadcast communications program.
A degree in English is one of the most versatile degrees a student can go after. It opens numerous doors around the world, whether you're interested in traveling, writing, or teaching, mastering the English language is a sure way to advance your cross cultural communication skills. We cover courses on syntax to linguistics to the psychology of language. The field of literature within the English major also widens your perspective past our own current timeline. Dive into novels that go beyond the century you live in and see what life was like in the past across the Philippines and the globe. Become a well-rounded person and develop wisdom written through the ages through an English degree at FU.
Those who don't study history are doomed to repeat it, an expression we're all familiar with, speaks to the importance of why we should study history. It is a captivating field fraught with stories of glory, grief, and the gravity of human nature. Learn about how the Philippines developed over time as well as an in-depth analysis of Southeast Asia. Our students cover the historical world in a fruitful journey through the lens of an objective scholar. At FU, discover the beauties and atrocities of human history, and why it is crucial to remember our past.
The field of mathematics is a complex language of numbers that reveal a different way of seeing the universe. While it is quite an old area of study, it continues to be a highly relevant one with many avenues to use it in. At FU, we offer an extensive curriculum of mathematical courses, from abstract algebra to calculus to statistical theory. When you study math, you become an analytical person capable of breaking down any problem into tractable, manageable steps towards the solution. Become a robust critical thinker by joining the department of mathematics at FU!
Winston Churchill once said, "Politics is almost as exciting as war, and quite as dangerous. In war, you can be killed only once but in politics, many times." The field of political science is one that assesses how power is exercised in a variety of settings, whether it's through a policy, an individual, or a group. Political science is an extremely versatile field as well; graduates can go into law, politics, education, business, and more due to the nature of the curriculum. At FU, our students learn the politics behind the Philippines, governance around the world, several political theories, and that's just the tip of the iceberg. The journey of a political science major and what they do with it is always an exciting one.
Broadcast Communication
Political Science
The College of Arts and Sciences at FU offers five exceptional fields to choose from. In this day and age, creativity is considered one of the most valuable skills a prospective employee can possess. Being able to tackle problems from multiple angles and provide innovative solutions with a fresh outlook is what we emphasize throughout your educational journey.
Biology continues to be a thriving field that offers countless opportunities in many different ways. We study the processes that foster life as well as the patterns that form over time. Then we can predict how things further evolve. FU offers a gamut of classes, including evolutionary biology, general zoology, and human anatomy and physiology to immerse you in the cells that make us up. Studying the field of biology provides a beautiful perspective of the world around us, deepening your understanding of what breathes, what's bacterial, and what needs our help with balance. Whether you're interested in going microscopic with genetics or macro with helping the world, becoming a biologist is a fruitful endeavor to embark on.
At FU, we have one of the only professional studios in Dumaguete City for broadcast communication students to take advantage of. You gain the industry experience you need to report the news while keeping it fresh and exciting. FU has the only studio students can practice in, especially by getting involved with our iGreyound Studio to create more engaging episodes! Learn how to manage cameras, lights, and actions like you've never before! Our students also master the importance of collecting crucial elements for honest and thorough journalism. It is more important than ever to report what's true to the community, shedding light on what is fake and harmful. If you've always been captivated by media and what it can offer, then jump right into our broadcast communications program.
A degree in English is one of the most versatile degrees a student can go after. It opens numerous doors around the world, whether you're interested in traveling, writing, or teaching, mastering the English language is a sure way to advance your cross cultural communication skills. We cover courses on syntax to linguistics to the psychology of language. The field of literature within the English major also widens your perspective past our own current timeline. Dive into novels that go beyond the century you live in and see what life was like in the past across the Philippines and the globe. Become a well-rounded person and develop wisdom written through the ages through an English degree at FU.
Those who don't study history are doomed to repeat it, an expression we're all familiar with, speaks to the importance of why we should study history. It is a captivating field fraught with stories of glory, grief, and the gravity of human nature. Learn about how the Philippines developed over time as well as an in-depth analysis of Southeast Asia. Our students cover the historical world in a fruitful journey through the lens of an objective scholar. At FU, discover the beauties and atrocities of human history, and why it is crucial to remember our past.
The field of mathematics is a complex language of numbers that reveal a different way of seeing the universe. While it is quite an old area of study, it continues to be a highly relevant one with many avenues to use it in. At FU, we offer an extensive curriculum of mathematical courses, from abstract algebra to calculus to statistical theory. When you study math, you become an analytical person capable of breaking down any problem into tractable, manageable steps towards the solution. Become a robust critical thinker by joining the department of mathematics at FU!
Winston Churchill once said, "Politics is almost as exciting as war, and quite as dangerous. In war, you can be killed only once but in politics, many times." The field of political science is one that assesses how power is exercised in a variety of settings, whether it's through a policy, an individual, or a group. Political science is an extremely versatile field as well; graduates can go into law, politics, education, business, and more due to the nature of the curriculum. At FU, our students learn the politics behind the Philippines, governance around the world, several political theories, and that's just the tip of the iceberg. The journey of a political science major and what they do with it is always an exciting one.
General Education Courses
Art Appreciation
Development of the ability to appreciate, analyze, and critique works of art through interdisciplinary and multimodal approaches.
The principles of ethical behavior in modern society at the level of the person, society, and in interaction with the environment and other shared resources.
Mathematics in the Modern World
The nature of mathematics, appreciation of its practical, intellectual, and aesthetic dimensions, and the application of mathematical tools in daily life.
Purposive Communication
A course on writing, speaking, and presenting to different audiences and for various purposes.
The Contemporary World
An introduction of the multifaceted phenomenon of globalization using various disciplines of the social sciences.
Reading in the Philippine History
Philippine history through selected primary sources in different periods with in-depth analysis and interpretation.
The Life and Works of Rizal
Philippine history through selected primary sources in different periods with in-depth analysis and interpretation.
Science, Technology, & Society
A course on the interactions between science and technology and social, cultural, political, and economic contexts that shape and are shaped by them.
Understanding the Self
A course on the nature of identity as well as the factors and forces that affect its development and maintenance.
Biology Courses
General Zoology
An introduction to the biology of animals, including their chemical and physical properties.
General Ecology
The principles and concepts of interrelations between organisms and their environment.
General Physiology
General principles underlying the general structure and function of plants and animals using an integrated approach in preparation for medical school or research.
Freshwater Ecology
A course on the distinguishing habitats of lakes, wetlands, streams, and rivers as well as the theoretical and practical applications of the ecology and restoration of freshwater habitats.
General Research I (Thesis Proposal)
Introduction to scientific writing and paper presentation; writing methodologies, results, and discussions.
Practicum/On-the-Job Training
A supervised course providing practical on-the-job experience either in the field or in a laboratory dealing with biological research.
Terrestrial Ecology
An in-depth survey of the geography, natural history, and ecology of major terrestrial ecosystems in the tropics, especially in the Philippines.
General Microbiology
A course on microorganism morphology, physiology, genetics, and their distribution with emphasis on the relationship of microorganisms to disease and human immune responses.
An introduction to the use of physical methods in the biological systems, including macromolecules, membranes, nerves, muscle, photosynthetic systems, and visual systems.
General Botany
The basic principles in plant biology, such as morphology, anatomy, structural organizations, and functional activities.
Systematics & Taxonomy
The rules, principles, and practice of classification of plants and animals.
A course on the relationships that exist between indigenous cultures and local flora.
Developmental Biology
Ontogenetic development of plants and animals; processes and theories of embryonic development; and morphological and physiological approaches.
Thesis Paper
Scientific investigation of laboratory or field research under supervision of a faculty thesis advisor.
Marine Ecology
A general survey of the groups of marine life, their stratification, and interrelationships.
Human Anatomy & Physiology
General principles underlying the structure and function of the human body in preparation for medical school.
Comparative Vertebrates
A course on the morphological and evolutionary relationship between phylum Chordata.
Organic Chemistry
The properties, structure, reactivity, and stereochemistry of organic compounds, including reaction mechanisms, physical and chemical methods, and the techniques of separation and purification.
Statistical Biology (Biometry)
Statistics used in biology and its application to biological experimental design and research data.
Evolutionary Biology
The study of evolution from the formation of the Earth, development of conditions for the start of life, and theories on the origin of life from simple unicellular organisms to multicellular organisms.
Biological Resource Management
An introduction to the biological resources of the Philippines and their current state of exploitation.
Invertebrate Zoology
Classification, taxonomy, evolution, morphology, physiology, ecology, and the distribution of invertebrates.
The principles of heredity, including Mendelian, agricultural, developmental, population, and molecular genetics.
Tropical Land Vertebrates
Biology of terrestrial vertebrates with emphasis on Philippine animal species including amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals.
A course on the biology, morphology, natural history and taxonomy of insects.
Cell & Molecular Biology
A course on the ultrastructure of the prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell; functions of cell parts, regulation and control of cellular activities in the molecular level.
Analytical Methods
The techniques of quantitative separation and determination of inorganic substances.
The macromolecular description of biological material and the chemical transformations attending life processes with the methods employed in biochemical studies.
Broadcast Communication Courses
Intro to Communication & Media
An overview of the human communication discipline with various topics, including the basics of the communication process and contexts.
Communications & Media Theory
A course on the fundamental theories of mass communication and the role that they play in our understanding of the sociocultural impact media has on society.
Media Laws
Learn the current laws governing the mass media; discuss the role of KBP, NTC, FCC, libel, privacy, and other relevant legal issues.
Intro to Broadcasting, Interactive, & Emerging Media
A course on the nature of broadcasting and a practical survey of digital and emerging communication platforms.
Introduction to Broadcast/Interactive Journalism
An overview of the fundamentals of modern journalism in both writing and production.
Media Ethics
A course on the ethics of journalism, providing the different philosophical views of ethics, rights, responsibilities, limitations, and abuses of media in democracies.
Interactive Broadcasting
A course on the fundamentals of interactive broadcasting by exploring relevant social media platforms.
Production of Broadcasting, Interactive, & Emerging Media Texts
Develop skills for positions of news producer and reporter, including news writing, analysis of news stories and their relative merit, and production considerations in assembling a newscast.
Music in Broadcasting, Interactive, & Emerging Media
An overview on various music genres and the role of music's significance to the broadcast industry.
News Writing & Production
A course on news writing and scriptwriting techniques for various forms of broadcast, interactive, and emerging media.
Producing Life
Studio production theory and practice with hands-on experience in basic production, direction, and technical operations of a studio.
Writing Dramatic Materials
An introduction to the fundamentals of writing scripts for dramatic programs, such as podcasts, radio plays/dramas, TV series, vlogs, etc.
Writing Non-Dramatic Materials
An introduction to the fundamentals of writing scripts for non-dramatic programs such as news, public affairs, documentaries, etc.
Political Economy
Learn about the political and economic implications of the field by examining the changing roles and formats of media.
The basics of photography, camera functions, video editing, media analysis, and filmmaking.
Analysis of Broadcasting, Interactive, & Emerging Media
The intellectual roots and contemporary applications of critical media studies and cultural studies.
Producing Pre-Recorded Content
Focus on producing pre-recorded content and canned materials for broadcast and digital media; develop directing skills and learn roles of field production crews.
Producing Instructional Programs
Learn how to use broadcasting and digital technology to provide educational opportunities.
Production Design for Television, Interactive, & Emerging Media
Sound Design
Performance for Broadcasting, Interactive, & Emerging Media
Learn advanced television production techniques, including electronic editing, special effects, and electronic field production.
Theory and practice of audio production for radio, TV, film, and digital recording applications.
An introductory course in the theory and techniques of acting for radio, film, and video as well as a comparison on stage acting versus acting for the camera.
Studies of Audiences
Research approaches to investigating emerging forms of media and audiences practices.
Programming for Broadcasting
A course on the general principles of radio and TV programming and management.
Broadcasting Institution Management
A course on various broadcast management functions, models, and operations.
Research in Broadcasting, Interactive, & Emerging Media
An introduction to research methodologies, both qualitative and quantitative, for public relations and advertising.
Producing Documentaries
Explore the theory of documentary practices in film and video, along with cinematic technique and style for documentary representation and function.
Political Science Courses
Fundamentals of Political Science
Basic concepts and principles of political science focusing on politics, governance, and government as well as its scope and methods.
Introduction to Philippine Politics & Governance
Learn about the 1897 Philippine Constitution as the fundamental law of the republic and its interpretation and application, specifically on the Executive Branch.
Introduction to Political Analysis & Research
A survey on political thoughts focusing on critical, post-modern, and contemporary theories of politics.
Introduction to Political Theory
A survey of the political thoughts on the establishment, maintenance, and transformation of social and political order.
Modern Political Theory
An in-depth introduction to modern political theory characterized by newfound faith in human reason and will.
Qualitative & Quantitative Analysis of Political Data
Tackle the problems that involve quality-quantity relationships in political and legal analysis.
Introduction to Comparative Politics
A course on the basics of political phenomena in a comparative manner through various methods.
Philippine Public Administration
A course on both the theoretical and practical components of public administration, such as policy process.
Introduction to International Relations
Develop theoretical tools and analytical frameworks that allow for a better understanding of the international system.
Politics & Governance in Southeast Asia
An introduction to the government and politics of southeast Asia through nation-building, state-building, and political economy development.
Local Politics & Governance
A two part course on the diverse approaches of Philippine state politics and the organization of the Philippine government; a focus on continuing challenges of democratization and the role of the military.
Political Dynamics
Learn about the impact of society on politics and politics on society; political power and leadership; patterns of decision-making; and political modernization.
Taxation & Land Reform
A study on the principles of economics, taxation, and land reform in reference to the Philippines and maximizing limited resources for the production of goods and services to satisfy the unlimited wants of humans.
Political Movements
A critical study of the English, French, Russian, and Philippine Revolutions.
A course on the political institutions as affected by geographical environment with a brief review of the forces and politics behind colonial expansion.
Policy Science & Government Management
A survey on the science behind policy making and the various roles and methods of managing government.
Comparative National Development
A course on the development of the nation in a comparative manner.
Parliamentary Procedure
A course on the fundamentals of parliamentary procedure and its applicaiton.
Gender & Politics
A course discussing the major debates concerning gender scholarship in general and the role women play in politics and development in particular.
Introduction to Law
A study of the basic legal principles and concepts with special emphasis on the importance of law in society, politics, and government.
Political Modernization & Development
An overview of the major theories of social and political change with an emphasis on the Philippines, redistribution, and political inclusion.
Political Theory in Asia
A short introduction into the vast body of political thought originating in East, South, and Southeast Asia, such as Confucian, Taoist, Hindu, Buddhist, and Muslim world views.
Congress & Legislation
Learn about the structure and functions of Congress; legislative behavior and legislative process; and the statute and bill-drafting.
English Courses
AB English Language (Track A)
Introduction to the English Language System
A course explaining the nature and essential features of language, providing an overview of the phonological morphological, syntactic, and semantic systems of English.
Theories of Language & Language Acquisition
A course explaining the theories of the origin of human language and of language acquisition and its development.
History of the English Language
A course on the external (historical, political, and cultural) and internal (features) histories of the English language.
English Phonology & Morphology
Study the patterns and system of sounds as well as the structure and formation of words in English.
English Syntax
Analyze the structures and phrases of sentences in the English language.
Semantics of English
A course dealing with the meaning of words, phrases, and sentences in the English language.
English Discourse
A study on the spoken and written English language above sentence level.
A course examining the style in language, specifically the application of linguistic devices in literary studies.
Introduction to Language, Society, & Culture
A course examining language in its social context and how different groups of people use it.
Language of Literary Texts
Learn the various approaches to the study of different literary genres.
Language of Non-Literary Texts
An introduction on the various approaches to study non-literary texts.
Computer-Mediated Communication
A course discussing social and linguistic features of various forms of texts brought about by information and communication technology.
Language Research I: Methodology
Examine the various methods of conducting research with an emphasis on English language related topics.
Language Research II: Thesis
Learn the process of writing a research based thesis on a language related topic.
Introduction to Pragmatics
Learn how language is used in context.
Psychology of Language
A study of the nature and psychological development of human language.
Multimodal Communication
A course examining the interface of various modes and genres of communication.
Translation Studies
A study on the different approaches to translation.
Special Topics in English Language Studies
Explore special topics that focus on current trends in English language studies.
Organizational Communication
A course on the role of communication in organizational contexts and how communication modes, structures, and networks help in developing healthy relationships.
Language & Journalism
Analyze the language used in journalism in the context of gathering, writing, editing, and publishing news articles for various media.
Technical Writing in the Professions
Learn the theories, principles and practice of technical communication across professions.
Multilingualism & Multiculturalism
A focus on language concerns in multilingual and multicultural contexts.
Issues & Perspectives in English Language Studies
A course that examines issues and areas of concern in English language teaching.
AB English Language (Track B)
Introduction to the English Language System
A course explaining the nature and essential features of language, providing an overview of the phonological morphological, syntactic, and semantic systems of English.
Theories of Language & Language Acquisition
A course explaining the theories of the origin of human language and of language acquisition and its development.
History of the English Language
A course on the external (historical, political, and cultural) and internal (features) histories of the English language.
English Phonology & Morphology
Study the patterns and system of sounds as well as the structure and formation of words in English.
English Syntax
Analyze the structures and phrases of sentences in the English language.
Semantics of English
A course dealing with the meaning of words, phrases, and sentences in the English language.
English Discourse
A study on the spoken and written English language above sentence level.
A course examining the style in language, specifically the application of linguistic devices in literary studies.
Introduction to Language, Society, & Culture
A course examining language in its social context and how different groups of people use it.
Language of Literary Texts
Learn the various approaches to the study of different literary genres.
Language of Non-Literary Texts
An introduction on the various approaches to study non-literary texts.
Computer-Mediated Communication
A course discussing social and linguistic features of various forms of texts brought about by information and communication technology.
Language Research I: Methodology
Examine the various methods of conducting research with an emphasis on English language related topics.
Language Research II: Thesis
Learn the process of writing a research based thesis on a language related topic.
ELT Approaches & Methods
Evaluate traditional and current approaches and methods of English language teaching.
English Language Testing & Assessment
Learn the principles, methods, and design of English language tests and assessments.
Foundations of English Language Teaching & Learning
Discover the theory and principles of English language teaching informed by knowledge of language acquisition and learning processes.
Special Topics in English Across the Professions
Explore special topics that address contemporary and evolving issues in English language studies.
Instructional Materials Development & Evaluation
An introduction to the theory, principles, and practice of instructional materials design and development.
Organizational Communication
A course on the role of communication in organizational contexts and how communication modes, structures, and networks help in developing healthy relationships.
Language & Journalism
Analyze the language used in journalism in the context of gathering, writing, editing, and publishing news articles for various media.
Technical Writing in the Professions
Learn the theories, principles and practice of technical communication across professions.
Multilingualism & Multiculturalism
A focus on language concerns in multilingual and multicultural contexts.
Issues & Perspectives in English Language Studies
A course that examines issues and areas of concern in English language teaching.
AB Literature
Introduction to Literature & Literary Studies
Learn the fundamentals of the scholarly discipline of literary studies, specifically its history and practice.
Introduction to Literary Theory
Discover the scholarly discipline of literary studies with its basic tools, techniques, and frameworks.
Introduction to Cultural Theory
A survey of theories and methodologies in the interdisciplinary study of culture and how its practices are codified, disseminated, interpreted, and appropriated as texts.
Introduction to the Postcolonial Tradition
A study of the foundational literary texts from the decolonizing world with its politics, motifs, and aesthetics of postcolonial writing.
Introduction to Creative Writing
An introduction to developing creativity and fluency in different genres as well as critical reading of texts.
Introduction to Literature & the Professions
Discover a wide range of theoretical and practical issues in academic and professional settings involving written, oral, and other communication skills.
Literary Research
Study the various research methods in literary and cultural studies as well as across professions by focusing on analyzing, interpreting materials, and implementing data/text gathering protocols and procedures.
Introduction to Translation
An introduction to the art and practice of translation as well as its history.
Philippine Literature: Region & Nation
A study of the literature in the Philippines representative of the different historical and cultural periods.
Philippine Literary Theory & Criticism
Discover the theory and practices of literary and cultural theory and criticism in the Philippines through various literary and cultural works..
Literature of Africa & the Middle East
A survey of the literature and society of the Middle East and Africa to provide information regarding the ethnic, linguistic, and religion diversity.
Literature of Asia I
A survey of the literatures from the perspective of the major Asian religions and cultural systems.
Literature of the Americas
Discover texts from Canada, the USA, the Caribbean, and Latin American countries through the emphasis of linguistics as well as historical and cultural diversity.
Literature of Europe
A course on the development of European literature up to the early 21st century.
Literary Translation
Develop theoretical knowledge and practical skills in translation and familiarity with the requirements of "genre" literary translation.
Literature & Cultural Studies
Engage in theoretical and practical approaches that frame literary and cultural texts and artifacts within their broad historical and social context.
Literature & the Humanities
Explore works of literature from a variety of traditions, such as "classical" and "pre-colonial" periods, through close readings.
Literature & the Sciences
Learn how to relate literature and the exact sciences and humanities to understand the boundaries and challenges posed by bridging the "two cultures".
Creative Writing
Focus on expressive writing in many different forms by exploring several different types of poetry and prose styles.
Critical Writing
An intensive writing course that focuses on techniques and principles of persuasive writing for academic purposes.
Metaphors in Mass Media
Realize how metaphors carry weight in mass media that must be understood or restructured to render effective communication.
Figures of Speech
Study the different figures of speech as literary devices that include diverging words from their literal interpretation to give more stylized and specialized meanings.
Advance Rhetoric
A course on the historical and theoretical background in rhetorical styles.
Basic Spanish Language
A course on the acquisition of four skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing in the Spanish language.
Advanced Spanish Language
Reinforce the skills of basic Spanish with an emphasis on perfecting pronunciation, mastery of basic grammatical structures, and increased communicative proficiency.
Basic French Language
A course on the acquisition of four skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing in the French language.
Basic Korean
A course on the acquisition of four skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing in the Korean language.
History Courses
Introduction to the Study & Writing of History
A focus on the meaning and relevance of history and the important role historians play in society.
Historical Methodology
A course on the historical methods as a tool for research in order to formulate and develop research questions.
Philosophy of History
Examine the philosophical and theoretical foundations of the discipline, from antiquity to the contemporary period.
Survey of Asian Civilizations
Tackle the different civilizations that originated and flourished in West, South, East, Southeast, and North-Central Asia from multiple perspectives.
Survey of Western Civilization
An introduction on the intellectual, institutional, social, and cultural aspects of Western Civilizations and their development, interaction, and significance until the late 1500s.
Spanish I
A general introduction to the Spanish language: sound system, pronunciation, functional vocabulary, cultural information, and basic grammatical structures.
Spanish II
A course that reinforces skills from Spanish I with an emphasis on perfecting pronunciation, mastery of basic grammatical structures, and increased communicative proficiency.
Spanish III
A continuation and recycling of knowledge acquired in Spanish I and II, as well as an introduction to new vocabulary, structures, and expressions.
Spanish IV
Spanish language skills are blended holistically toward the use of appropriate language in a wide range of real world situations.
Island Southeast Asia
Learn the history of Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, and Timor Leste from their ancient times to development as modern nations.
Mainland Southeast Asia
Explore the histories of Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Kampuchea, and Vietnam from their earliest beginnings to their rise as modern nation states.
Modern East Asia
A course on the history of China, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan from when Western powers arrived to the contemporary period.
History of the United States
An intermediate survey on the history of the USA that provides an overview of the social, political, economic, and cultural patterns.
Modern & Contemporary Europe
Learn the major developments in Europe from the early modern Europe to the formation of the EU.
Islamic History as Global History
Develop a general knowledge of the history of Islam, its beliefs, and its worldview, as well as the history of Islam in the Philippines and Muslim Filipinos.
Pre-16th Century Philippines
A survey on the pre-historic and pre-colonial developments in the Philippines to the eve of the Spanish conquest.
Philippine Economic History
Explore the major developments and themes in Philippine economic history from the pre-16th century to the present.
Philippine Cultural History
A course focusing on the major trends and directions in the history and development of Philippine art and culture across time based on different art genres.
Philippine Diplomatic History
A course focusing on the diplomatic relations of the Philippines from 1946 to present day with a historical overview of the 19th and early 20th century interaction of the nation.
Philippine Social History
A critical survey of the history of the Philippine society from its beginnings to present day times.
Nationalism & Revolution
Study the concept of nationalism as it developed in the 19th century, including its social, cultural, political, and economic roots as a nationalist consciousness.
Ethnic Histories
Explore many cultural communities that comprise the totality of the Filipino nation, specifically the indigenous communities that are often marginalized among mainstream Christian communities.
Mathematics Courses
Solid Mensuration
A course on the study of lines and planes in space; dihedral and polyhedral angles; primes and cylinders; pyramids and cones; spheres; spherical polygons and polyhedrons.
Set Theory
Learn the fundamentals of logic, proving, functions and sets, basic counting techniques, and advanced counting techniques.
Statistical Theory
An introduction to statistics and data analysis covering purpose, collection, summarization and presentation of data, basic concepts in probability, point and interval estimation, and hypothesis testing.
Calculus I
An introduction to calculus with analytic geometry, covering lines, circles, conic sections, special functions, limits continuity, derivatives of algebraic functions, and more.
Calculus II
Study the rules of integrating standard elementary forms as well as the constant of integration, the definite integral, integration as a process of summation, and more,.
Calculus III
Learn sequences and series of constant terms, power series, differential calculus of functions of two or more variables, double integrals, and vectors.
Modern Geometry
An overview of the field of geometry with selected Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometries through inductive exploration and the axiomatic method.
Theory of Interest
A course that covers measures of interest, present and future values, equations of value, annuity certains, and more.
Elementary Number Theory
Study topics on integers, sequences, divisibility, mathematical induction, prime numbers, fundamental theorem of arithmetic, Euclidean algorithm, and more.
Linear Alegrabra
A course on matrices, systems of linear equations, vector spaces, linear independence, linear transformations, determinants, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, diagonalization, and inner product spaces.
Advanced Probability & Statistics
Develop a deeper understanding of probability and statistics by using different methods of forecasting time series data through classical smoothing procedures and statistical models.
Numerical Analysis/Math Modeling
An introduction to error analysis, solutions of linear and nonlinear equations and linear systems, interpolating polynomials, numerical differentiation and integration, and more.
Abstract Algebra I
A course on matrices, systems of linear equations, vector spaces, linear independence, linear transformations, determinants, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, diagonalization, and inner product spaces.
A course on matrices, systems of linear equations, vector spaces, linear independence, linear transformations, determinants, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, diagonalization, and inner product spaces.
Advanced Calculus
A course on matrices, systems of linear equations, vector spaces, linear independence, linear transformations, determinants, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, diagonalization, and inner product spaces.
Abstract Algebra II
Learn the rings of polynomials, fundamental theorem of field theory, extension fields, algebraic extensions, finite fields, geometric constructions, and the fundamental theorem of Galois theory with illustrations.
Complex Analysis
A course on the algebra of complex numbers, analytic functions, elementary complex functions, complex integration, and the residue theorem and its applications.
Differential Equations
Discover techniques for finding explicit solutions to linear ODEs.
Fundamental Concepts of Math
A course on sets, principles of logic, methods of proof, relations, functions, integers, binary options, complex numbers, matrices and matrix operations, and mathematical systems.
Fundamentals of Computing
Learn the fundamental programming constructions: types, control structures, functions, basic data structures using the C programming language, and I/O.
Real Analysis
An introduction to integration theory by developing the theory of Lebesgue measure and integration over real numbers.
Graph Theory
Learn the fundamental concepts of graph theory, trees and distance, matchings and factors, connectivity and paths, coloring of graphs, planar graphs, and graph pebbling.
Discrete Math
A course on the fundamentals of logic, proving, functions and sets, basic counting techniques, and advanced counting techniques.
What can I do with a degree in biology?
-A degree in biology will open up the doors to a wide array of job choices in this day and age. Over the course of your studies, you can determine if you prefer research, conservation, medicine, or even education. From there, countless opportunities await you, such as becoming a microbiologist to a nature conservation officer to a veterinary nurse. The world is your oyster when you study the way life works.
What soft skills will I develop studying biology at FU?
-Biology is a field that requires a lot of analytical and investigative skills, which courses at FU will sharpen through research and interactive classes. Students also master both qualitative and quantitative capabilities as they conduct their experiments, understanding the importance of both elements when it comes to great research.
What career opportunities do I have if I pursue a degree in broadcast communications at FU?
-Since the advent of media, there has always been a need to fill when it comes to bringing people the news. Our broadcast communications department has a fully equipped studio with state-of-the-art technology so students are ready for the real industry upon graduation. FU is the only university in Dumaguete City to provide students with everything they need to land a career in news reporting and production.
Why should I major in English at FU?
-At FU, we have partnered with several schools so our students can immerse themselves in the field before officially becoming teachers. We offer wide range of exceptional classes so our students learn the ins and outs of the English language and its structure. An English major from FU can land you a position in a classroom, something online, or even working with adult
What soft skills will I develop studying history at FU?
-Studying history allows you to become both a big picture thinker as well as someone able to scrutinize the smallest of details, and then connect everything together. Students studying history at FU learn how to think critically about events in time, piece complex ideas together, and research support for theories on the past. Learning the history of humanity heightens your awareness and allows you to communicate what you discover in a clearly articulated manner.
What are my career options with a degree in history from FU?
-A history degree opens up more doors than you might think, including careers in journalism, museum management, advertising, and global charity work. Students can also go on to become librarians or lawyers, as both require sound reasoning of vast knowledge and an understanding of human behavior. And of course, our students at FU are eligible to become history teachers too!
What are likely career paths for political science majors at FU?
-Political science sets the stage for any student interested in a political or governmental position. It also lays a strong foundation with which to work with if you're interested in pursuing law after graduation.
How can I gain leadership experience studying political science at FU?
-At FU, we have several events that our political science students take the reins for to practice managing large groups. There are also numerous volunteer opportunities that students can take advantage of because it's important for political science majors to immerse themselves in the community.
How do I know if studying mathematics at FU is right for me?
-Our mathematicians at FU have put together a curriculum that exposes students to many different subjects in the field. They become well-rounded with sharpened critical thinking skills to solve various problems. There are also great research opportunities for our math majors; for example, we had one student study the effects of math anxiety on academic performance for senior high school students. We go beyond the books at FU.