The field of architecture means manipulating material into something far more. Learning how to design and build structures takes mental stamina, a sharp eye, and innovative style in this day and age. The Department of Architecture emphasizes a green approach, one that is both sustainable and environmentally friendly, when it comes to creating worthwhile infrastructure. At FU, we adhere to teaching a code of of ethical conduct that establishes mutual trust and confidence with industrial clientele as well as cultivate high commitment habits due to the intense demands of construction. Students learn how to make every output a masterpiece, avoid mediocrity, and excel in everything that they design.
Students in the Department of Architecture have the opportunity to participate in several annual activities to enhance their teamwork skills, including design competitions judged by industry professionals. FU graduates go on to begin careers in construction firms, architecture firms, or even found their own private practice.
Every architecture student becomes a part of Estudio Damgo, a community project in which students assess a crucial need that must be addressed. Then they design a solution and bring it to fruition. In the past, students have built a daycare classroom, animal shelter, Tourist Information and Assistance Center at the Dumaguete City Port Area, and much more. The beauty behind Estudio Damgo is twofold: students gain valuable experience while helping their community in the process.
Basic Engineering Courses
Statics of Rigid Bodies
Fundamentals of mechanics; theory application to problems involving static equilibrium; vector representation of forces and moments.
Strength of Materials
Behavior, analysis, and design of structural members subjected to forces based on equilibrium and material properties.
Theory of Structures
Analysis of statistically determinate and indeterminate trusses, beams, and frames; reactions, axial forces, shears, moments and deflections; influence lines; analysis of structures subjected to dynamic loads.
Steel and Timber Design
Structural design and investigation of simple elements of structural timber and steel.
Architectural Structures
Design and investigation of simple reinforced concrete structures.
Plane Surveying
Theory and use of surveying instruments including tape, transit level, and stadia; methods of running traverse and leveling.
Introduction to Design
Design fundamentals involving basic creative design exercises with emphasis on space, form, and mass.
Creative Design Fundamentals
Design exercises involving anthropometrics, modular coordination, functional interrelationships and activity circuits.
Creative Design in Architectural Interiors
Design exercises stressing the value of programming, orientation, and interrelationship of interior spaces.
Professional Courses
Space Planning I
Design exercises giving emphasis on vernacular architecture including energy conservation, space management, and building interiors.
Space Planning II
Design exercises on problems stressing the analysis of space requirements based on organizational structure, functional set-up, and human behavior to pinpoint linkages and interaction to spaces.
Site Development Planning & Landscape
Design problems stressing environmental analysis, topographic, geologic and seismologic conditions, utilities, circulation, legal considerations and the perpetual sensitivities of humanity.
Community Architecture & Urban Design
Design exercises giving emphasis on the socio-cultural activities of man, historical preservation, proxemics and materials of architecture; designing with nature.
Design of Complex Structures
Design exercises giving emphasis on building structures, utilities, laws, structural concepts and ecological planning.
Thesis Research Writing
Design exercises stressing the importance of collaboration in solving architectural problems; preliminary research and studies for the terminal project.
Research Thesis Application
A terminal project involving a comprehensive problem in building, interior and landscape architecture integrating processes, and issues of previous studies.
History of Architecture I
Architectural manifestation of thoughts from the beginning of civilization to the Byzantine period.
History of Architecture II
Architectural manifestation of civilization and western dominance toward post modernism.
History of Architecture III
Architectural reflections of traditional Asian thoughts and civilizations; their changes and challenges in contemporary life.
History of Architecture IV
Reflections on architecture in the Philippines; their changes and challenges in contemporary life and the ideology of conserving its architectural legacies.
Theory of Architecture I
Design theories with emphasis on perpetual and proxemic sensitivities in organizing form and space.
Theory of Architecture II
Evaluation of current concepts, goals, processes, and methodologies applicable to architectural design.
Architectural Interiors
Basic design of interior spaces geared toward initial understanding of theories and principles in architectural interiors in relation to anthropometrics, proxemics, and ergonomics.
Laws Affecting the Practice of Architecture
Legal obligations and responsibilities of the architect; building contracts; the building code and related laws on architecture land development and human settlements.
Administering the Regular Services of the Architect
The profession of architecture, ethical considerations and client relation; services of the architect
Global Practice for the 21st Century
The architect, the firm, and the project in the global arena.
Research Methods for Architecture
Quantitative and operational methods in architectural design research activity, requirement, and performance in use of analysis.
Tropical Design
Techniques for the design and planning of buildings within the technological and social constraints prevailing in the hot-humid tropics.
Socio-cultural and institutional challenges for effective delivery of housing in the Philippines.
Site Planning & Landscape Architecture
The artistic and functional arrangement of buildings; driveways, parking areas, and other land areas are analyzed; and techniques in the enhancement and design of their exterior environment.
Fundamentals of Urban Design & Community Architecture
Order, culture, and expression for the design of exterior architecture in towns and cities.
Introduction to Urban & Regional Planning
Concepts and emerging trends, methods, and techniques in urban planning; overview of land use in the planning of regions.
Building Materials
Properties of building materials; interior finishes; their application and articulation; system of construction; methods for specifying and their use.
Construction Drawings in Wood, Steel, and Concrete
Construction methods and techniques and the production of working drawings of a one-story building structure in wood, masonry, reinforced concrete and steel.
Construction Drawings in Wood, Steel, and Concrete II
Construction methods and techniques and the production of working drawings of a medium-rise building structure of reinforced wood, masonry, glass, and steel.
Specification Writing and Quantity Surveying
Specifications writing using uniform systems of master format, estimating methods, and quantifying surveys.
Alternative Building Construction Systems
Construction methods and techniques for different types of buildings using any appropriate alternative building construction system.
Plumbing and Sanitary System
Principles and practices of sanitary installations in building and their surrounding environment.
Electrical, Electronics, and Mechanical Systems
Mechanical and electrical systems in buildings, their design, equipment, installation, and maintenance.
Acoustics & Lighting System
The psycho-physics of acoustics and lighting problems, how these are measured, analyzed, and solved.
Computer-aided Design & Drafting for Architecture I
A basic introduction on computer and software programs useful in architectural rendering, modeling, and animation using current software.
Computer-aided Design & Drafting for Architecture II
An advanced computer-aided architectural rendering, modeling, and animation using current software.
Architectural Comprehensive Course
Business Management & Application for Architecture I
Business Management & Application for Architecture II
The architecture comprehensive course provides an opportunity for each student to show evidence of their ability to synthesize information through learning acquired from the following subject areas: theory of architecture; history of architecture; architectural interiors; building technology; building utilities; urban planning; architectural design; engineering sciences; and professional practice.
Elective Courses
Graphics I: Architectural Drafting
Drafting principles and techniques, applied descriptive and solid geometry; development of skills on orthographics, axonometrics, architectural drafting and reproduction procedures.
Graphics II: Perspective, Shades, and Shadows
Theories and principles; fundamentals of shades and shadows; practical exercises and application using various methods of protection.
Monochromatic Drawing
Theories and principles; fundamentals of shades and shadows; practical exercises and application using various methods of protection.
Color Rendering & Still Life
Rendering exercises in color and polychromatic media.
Presentation Techniques
Strategies and productions for architectural presentations; introduction to advanced techniques and mixed media electronic systems.
Specialization Courses
Community Planning Development
Introduction to the study of the community, focusing on community organization, ecology and major social institutions and groups within the community services is discussed within the context of patterns of community interaction, processes, and dynamics.
Urban Design Studio
Design exercises on complex design problems in real urban settings.
Construction Management
Methodologies and tools necessary for each aspect of construction project life-cycle broken into organizing, planning, monitoring, and controlling, as well as the theories upon which these are built; cost and risk control, developing and applying policies and procedures as well as subcontractor management, purchasing, and project financing.
Estudio Damgo
Estudio Damgo is one of Foundation University’s crowning jewels of accomplishments, one that fosters innovation and creativity within its architecture students. Notably the first student- led production team in the Philippines that began in 2012, Estudio Damgo is “A Studio of Dreams” in which graduating students of the Architecture Department have the chance to gain hands on experience while giving back to their community. It’s a matter of rethinking local problems into design opportunities. After all, is this not how dreams are manifested? We want something, feel the overpowering urge to make it a reality, and then do everything we can to make it come true. This particular program takes students through the entire process of crafting schematic designs, to obtaining permits, to construction completion. It is the first step in an architect’s dream: to see their buildings come to life. It is a step that has a lot of support and guidance from their instructors and local officials alike, as well as a step for students to take pride in their work. Each year, various organizations approach the department with suggestions on what to erect in order to address local hindrances, and then one option is selected after careful analysis. FU’s emerging architects create modern designs with a focus on sustainability, affordability, and environmental friendliness that are not only culturally relevant but ahead of the curve.

Internship Opportunities
United Architects of the Philippines (UAP)
Dumaguete Chapter
What soft skills are beneficial for an architect to have?
-Architects can expect to advance their skills in creativity, time management, teamwork, and critical thinking capabilities with a meticulous eye. In order to construct anything well, architects develop a vast pool of knowledge to pull from when designing for a client. Imagination and innovation are key.
What are the core values for the Department of Architecture at FU?
-We emphasize integrity in the profession and adhere to a code of ethical conduct to establish mutual trust with clients and colleagues. Our architects emerge with the confidence they need to meet the high demands of the field and avoid mediocrity at all costs. You can expect an unbreakable commitment to excellence with the Department of Architecture at FU.
What's the career outlook for an architect?
-Graduates go on to work for construction firms, architecture firms, or private practice.
How can I gain the experience I need to become an architect?
-FU offers numerous courses to get you industry ready with thoroughly experienced professors. We also have several partnerships in place to provide you with an internship that best suits your needs. The final project done through Estudio Damgo is the best preparation you can undergo for becoming the architect you're destined to be.